Monday, July 25, 2011

What Did I Do?

This morning when I woke up I headed in to get the family breakfast, and then I realized what I'd done the night before. The shakes entered my chest cavity and the anxiety crept through my whole body. This was it, I had started my own blog for Pete's sake! What was I thinking? I am moving in 2-weeks and I'm going back to Utah, where all the food is that I've missed!

I read a blog once from a lady who talked about how people can have a gluten addiction. I laughed. And laughed some more. And then got my husband to laugh too. However, now I'm laughing at myself because I'm pretty sure I could be addicted to gluten, or just food in general. I mean I'm pretty sure I could be confused with this girl....

Whenever there is a party, the first thing I want to know is what we will be eating. I realized today, the first thing that needs to happen is I need to change my relationship with food. Instead of eating for pleasure and enjoyment, I need to eat to nourish my body....with a little enjoyment in between.

After coming clean this morning and telling Dave I started a new blog, I was kinda worried what he'd think. I watched intently as he read my post and surprisingly, he thought it was a good idea. Coming from him, who is suspicious of all things that require sharing information about yourself, I felt much better. I decided I'm sticking to this. I went to Wegman's (which I will post about later) and picked up my GF necessities. I also realized today I need to take it one day at a time and not think much further then stress about what I'm going to eat on the 4-day drive across the country.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

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